Bagaimana Cara Memasak Rahasia Choco crunch cookies

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Choco crunch cookies. Drop by rounded teaspoons onto greased cookie sheet. Cemilan sebagai teman belajar si kecil dengan teman-temannya. Don't let the name "cookies" fool you, these are all treat and no cheat.

Choco crunch cookies Makes about a dozen and a half. Chocolate Crunch Cookies are thick, brownie-like cookies loaded with caramelized krispies and chopped Crunch Bars! Can we just talk about how Halloween should. Kamu dapat memasak Choco crunch cookies dengan 5 bumbu dan 6 langkah langkah. Dibawah ini cara membuat Choco crunch cookies.

Bahan dan Bumbu Choco crunch cookies

  1. Siapkan 250 gr of DCC / Coklat batang (merk apa aja).
  2. Ini 1 sdm of Margarine.
  3. Kamu perlu 150 gr of Choco crunch.
  4. Siapkan 40 gr of Sprinkle warna warni.
  5. Siapkan 100 buah of Cup mini.

A wide variety of koko crunch options are. Grape Recipes, Crunch, Pretzel Bites, Bread, Cookies, Chocolate, Ethnic Recipes, Desserts, Culture. These Chocolate Toffee Crunch Cookies are the perfect blend of rich dark chocolate cookie and the crunch of buttery toffee in every bite! Cookies are a favorite thing around.

Choco crunch cookies Tata Cara

  1. Lelehkan coklat batang dan margarine (dengan cara di tim / sesuai selera kaka dan bunda, terserah) 😬.
  2. Sambil menunggu coklat meleleh, tata cup mini dan masukkan 3-4 buah choco crunch di atasnya.
  3. Setelah coklat meleleh, aduk rata, kemudian tuangkan coklat pake sendok makan (pake plastik segitiga lebih praktis) di atas cup mini, lakukan sampe coklat habis.
  4. Kemudian taburkan sprinkle di atasnya, tunggu sampe coklat beku kembali (biar lebih cepat, masukkan kulkas ± 5 menit).
  5. Simpan di wadah kedap udara, dan siap disajikan 💙.
  6. Nb : Jadi 1 toples tupperware besar ukuran 2,2L 😬.

The manufacturer of Peggy Lawton Choco Chip cookies, butter crunch cookies, Oatmeal cookies, Chocolate chunk cookies, Sugar cookies and brownies have a stamped date with the month and day. These cookies are bite-sized, yet fully loaded with the authentic chocolate chip flavor we know and love. These cookie thins will satisfy if you're a crunch fan, but don't expect one mere disk to suffice. I love love love these little cookies. Haa, nak bagitau Choco Crunch la jawapannya!