Cara Membuat Lezat Kue lobak / lo bak gou/ radish cake

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Kue lobak / lo bak gou/ radish cake. Our family turnip cake lo bak go recipe uses Chinese sausage, dried shrimp, mushrooms and more. This savory turnip cake (sometimes called radish) lo bak go is a very traditional dish often served at dim sum houses, and when I was a kid, it always showed up on the table on Chinese New Year's Day. Kue Lobak /Lo Bak Go (Chinese Savory radish/turnip cake).

Kue lobak / lo bak gou/ radish cake Turnip cake, also known as radish cake or lo bak gou, is a savory steamed traditional Cantonese snack often found in Chinese dim sum restaurants. Turnip cake is a traditional Chinese snack served at dim sum. Our family turnip cake lo bak go recipe uses Chinese sausage, dried shrimp, mushrooms. Kamu dapat membuat Kue lobak / lo bak gou/ radish cake dengan 12 bumbu dan 8 langkah langkah. Langsung saja cara membuat Kue lobak / lo bak gou/ radish cake.

Bahan dan Bumbu Kue lobak / lo bak gou/ radish cake

  1. Ini 450 gr of lobak.
  2. Ini 400 ml of air berikut air lobak.
  3. Siapkan 3 sdm of ebi rendam air panas blender.
  4. Siapkan 175 gr of tepung beras.
  5. Kamu perlu 150 gr of sagu tani.
  6. Siapkan 5 siung of bawang putih.
  7. Ini of Garam.
  8. Kamu perlu of Merica.
  9. Siapkan of Penyedap.
  10. Ini of Saos tiram.
  11. Ini of Minyak wijen.
  12. Kamu perlu of Kecap asin.

PagesBusinessesFood & drinkFood stallPenang Seafood Fried Radish Cake Lo Bak Gou. Kue lobak or Chinese radish cake is one of the popular dish you can find in Chinese dim sum. But this snack is also a common street food you can find in Indonesia. In fact I grew up with this as one of the many snacks to choose from food carts parking outside my school compound.

Kue lobak / lo bak gou/ radish cake langkah demi langkah

  1. Parut lobak pisahkan air dan ampas.
  2. Tumis bawang putih n ebi hingga harum masukkan lobak.
  3. Tuang sedikit2 air ke dalam tepung aduk lalu masukkan lobak.
  4. Oles wadah anti panas dgn minyak tuang adonan kukus 1 jam api sedang.
  5. Biarkan sat dan dingin olesin pisau dgn minyak potong2 lalu goreng dgn minyak sedikit saja.
  6. Sajikan hangat dgn sambal cabai.
  7. Sambal : cabe kriting/ rawit, bawang putih, gula, garam, cuka/ air jeruk, blender dgn air panas.
  8. Versi singapore bumbu ( bawang putih, kecap asin, saos tiram, sambal terasi, toge, kucai/ daun bawang, telur.

Turnip cake is a Chinese dim sum dish. The less commonly used radish cake is a more accurate name, as Western-style turnips are not used in the dish but rather shredded radish (typically Chinese radish) and plain rice flour. It is traditionally called carrot cake in Singapore. Lo-bak looks very similar to daikon; it is just a little bit milder in flavour. I suspect daikon would work okay if need be.