Cara Memasak Lezat Kue Lobak / Radish Cake / Lo Bak Gou

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Kue Lobak / Radish Cake / Lo Bak Gou. Our family turnip cake lo bak go recipe uses Chinese sausage, dried shrimp, mushrooms and more. This savory turnip cake (sometimes called radish) lo bak go is a very traditional dish often served at dim sum houses, and when I was a kid, it always showed up on the table on Chinese New Year's Day. Turnip cake, also known as radish cake or lo bak gou, is a savory steamed traditional Cantonese snack often found in Chinese dim sum restaurants.

Kue Lobak / Radish Cake / Lo Bak Gou Kue Lobak /Lo Bak Go (Chinese Savory radish/turnip cake). Made of rice flour, daikon, dried shrimp, Chinese sausage and then steamed and The tender savory steamed cake is filled with flavorful tidbits and pan-fried to perfection. I remember the middle-age man who rode on his motorcycle with a. Kamu dapat memasak Kue Lobak / Radish Cake / Lo Bak Gou dengan 7 bumbu dan 7 langkah langkah. Langsung saja cara memasak Kue Lobak / Radish Cake / Lo Bak Gou.

Bahan dan Bumbu Kue Lobak / Radish Cake / Lo Bak Gou

  1. Ini 250 gr of lobak, kupas, potong2.
  2. Kamu perlu 200 ml of air.
  3. Kamu perlu 25 ml of air kaldu udang (air hasil rebusan kulit&kepala udang).
  4. Ini 75 gr of tepung beras.
  5. Kamu perlu 90 gr of tepung kanji.
  6. Ini 2 siung of bawang putih cincang / parut.
  7. Kamu perlu Secukupnya of garam, kaldu bubuk, merica.

PagesBusinessesFood & drinkFood stallPenang Seafood Fried Radish Cake Lo Bak Gou. Kue lobak or Chinese radish cake is one of the popular dish you can find in Chinese dim sum. But this snack is also a common street food you can find in Indonesia. In fact I grew up with this as one of the many snacks to choose from food carts parking outside my school compound.

Kue Lobak / Radish Cake / Lo Bak Gou instruksi

  1. Blender lobak dgn air, saring pisahkan dgn ampasnya, sisihkan, ampasnya jgn dibuang.
  2. Campurkan duo tepung aduk rata dgn whisk, tambahkan air lobak, air kaldu udang, aduk rata sampai tdk ada adonan yg menggumpal, sisihkan.
  3. Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang putih, tambahkan ampas lobak, aduk rata, tambahkan garam, kaldu bubuk, merica, aduk rata, kecilkan api, masukkan adonan tepung tadi, aduk cepat, masak sampai adonan menggumpal / terasa berat, hati2 gosong, matikan api.
  4. Tuang ke loyang yg sudah diolesi tipis minyak goreng, kukus -+ 40 mnt, jgn lupa balut tutup kukusan dgn serbet.
  5. Setelah dingin, potong2 sesuai selera, lalu goreng di teflon dgn sedikit minyak, balik sisi lainnya, sajikan dgn saus.
  6. .
  7. .

The Chinese turnip cake is a popular dim sum item and a festive dish for Chinese holidays, including Chinese New Year. It is a savory rice cake loaded with cured meat, daikon radish, mushrooms, and dried shrimp. I'd love to see what you come up with. Chinese Turnip Cake (Lo Bak Go, ?????????). Turnip cake is a Chinese dim sum dish.